Frequently Asked Questions

The business is about creating software for employment industry. There are many kind of business that comes under like a job board, a recruitment agency, a digital marketing agency, an online portal, a software development company and finally a LMS.

DK Global Web Solutions Limited is Irish registered company in Dublin, Ireland. Company registration no is 675124 and Headquarter is located in central location of Dublin.

If you have interest in any of product listed on the site then please send us email via contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

There is no price information available for the products because currently we are not available to provide services to 3rd parties. 

We can surely show you demo of the products if we are convinced that there is a genuine interest in products but again we are not open to profile services to 3rd parties.  

We have delay in launching entire product range because of COVID-19 impact. We are planning to make it available from jan 2022. 

DK Global Web Solutions is part of “DK Global Employment Services” group of companies. Company legal information can be found with CRO in Ireland and business information is shared in “About us” page in main menu of this site.

Our entire business and group of companies belongs to employment market only. We have over decade of experience in employment market. There are various types of businesses in employment market which are quite different from one another.